
Your last chance to win a free MP3 player or Audible audio book

Creative MuVo 128MB

So like we said, we're going to be mixing things up today with the contest to a free MP3 player and/or audio book courtesy of Audible in the last day of our giveaway this week. Here's the deal: somewhere in our archives is a old post with a special code-word that we've inserted into it, be the first person to email the URL to us (use our contact form) and you'll win a free Creative 128MB MuVo MP3 player and a audio book from Audible. Be the second person to find that URL and you'll win a free audio book from Audible. The code-word you're looking for is "tangential", but lest you think you can just use our search function (or Google) to automatically find the code-word, we're going to put the word in a GIF, so it won't be searchable through normal means. If no one is able to find the URL within the next few hours, we'll post some clues to help you out. Get cracking!

UPDATE: We have some winners! Congrats to Chris, who wins the MP3 player and audio book, and Clara, who won the 2nd place prize of an audio book. Thanks to everyone for participating in our giveaways this week, we'll be giving away some even bigger prizes very soon.

P.S. - In case you were wondering, the post you were looking for was here.