
Firefox 1.0.1 released!

Big news today: Firefox 1.0.1 has been released! Don’t look for new features - this one is mainly about bug fixes and security (especially the punycode/IDN debacle of a few weeks ago that I wrote about in SecurityFocus). OK, there is ONE new feature: better tab control, or, as the release notes put it, “You can now make links opened by other applications open into a new tab, reuse an existing tab, or open a new window”. Cool. People have been asking for that for a long time.

OK - so how do you get it? Head over to the Release Notes and follow the instructions. And fer gosh sakes, read the frickin’ Release Notes, OK? There’s some important stuff in there, like DON’T INSTALL THE NEW FIREFOX OVER AN OLD FIREFOX. There. I capitalized it so you’d see it.

(For those of you who use BitTorrent, head to the Firefox 1.0.1 Torrents page and grab those torrents! But read the Release Notes anyway, ‘k?)

Go get it!

(Or, if you’re like me and you use Debian, the one true Linux&tm;, wait ‘til it’s in the APT repositories)