
Vestax's and Scratchworx's STC-V1

Vestax / Scratchworx STC-V1

Dude, seriously? You've got to be joking. We're not sure what kind of crazy turntablist magic you'd have to bust to be able to mix another record while on a Vestax's STC-V1, but if you keep selling your turntables to buy guitars and selling your guitars to buy turntables, maybe you should just meet at the halfway point and get one of these things already.

P.S. - Caption contest? We think so. Here, we'll kick it off:
Peter: "Tone Loc called, he wants his gimmick back."
Ryan: "This guy obviously looks the type who can both shred axe AND scratch mad beats."
Barb: "Roni Size returns to the stage after his unprecedented combined lobotomy and Michael Jackson-ification operation."