
Mac Guide to Torrent TV


Check out this visual guide for downloading TV torrents to your Mac, entitled "The Poor Man's TiVo." Pretty sweet. Very easy.

The networks need to start enabling net distribution of their shows via torrent. There is clearly a market for this service, legality issues be damned, and it wouldn't be hard to subsidize the endeavor with advertising on the website and in the video files. For more on how smart this would be for the networks, read this.

Imagine: instead of setting your PVR to record your shows, set your Mac mini to automatically download your favorite shows. I don't know if Bittorrent for OS X (the program covered in the tutorial) supports such automation, but there is a plug-in for Azureus, RSS Import, that can be set to automatically check RSS feeds and download the relevant files. Actually, forget imagining. You can do this right now.

[via MacSlash]