
Hands on with Cingular's version of the Audiovox SMT 5600

Cingular Audiovox SMT 5600

Reader Jesse King got his hands on the new Cingular version of the Audiovox SMT 5600, and was kind enough to send us a few pics of his new baby. Not surprisingly, it looks almost exactly like the old AT&T Wireless version of the SMT 5600, even down to the lack of carrier branding on the phone itself (even though the handset depicted on the SMT 5600's box does sport a Cingular logo on its casing). Not that we mind a phone coming with less branding on it or anything…

Cingular Audiovox SMT 5600

Cingular Audiovox SMT 5600

Cingular Audiovox SMT 5600

Cingular Audiovox SMT 5600