
Asus W5A - the not-an-iBook iBook?

asus w5a

We're still a little surprised that Apple lets its contract manufacturers rip off its designs so blatantly, but it looks like Asus has done it again. The W5A, which is getting rave reviews for its style and functions, is — like the S5NE before it — a sleek, white-clad laptop. Sure, as many of you have pointed out, Apple doesn't own the color white, and certainly has no monopoly on its use in laptops. But given that Asus makes iBooks for Apple, doesn't it seem a little odd that the company's best-received models owe a certain amount of their design to their American partner? Of course, the W5A has a host of features that aren't even available on the iBook, like an integrated camera, 1.86-2.13 GHz Sonoma, DVD burner, memory card reader and Bluetooth, and it is available in a very non-Apple black finish.