
TUAW's Tired Tuesday Afternoon Chatcast

tiger ichat

Scott and I became bored and lonely this afternoon with nary a sign of our fellow TUAWers, so we decided to have a chatcast. It's largely rambling and unstructured, so it may bore you to tears. We discuss the new PowerBook rumors, Tiger's new Dictionary and Thesaurus, iChatAV, Xsan update, and Scott's Mac mini. Here it is:

Scott McNulty: ack! trillian crashed
3:55 PM
C.K. Sample, III: ha ha
C.K. Sample, III: hey want to do a chatcast?
Scott McNulty: sure
Scott McNulty: what about?
C.K. Sample, III: something Mac related
Scott McNulty: ahh
C.K. Sample, III: let's post it on TUAW
Scott McNulty: I have heard about these MAcs
Scott McNulty: Macs even
C.K. Sample, III: Welcome everyone to the TUAW Tuesday Chatcast
C.K. Sample, III: co-hosted by C.K. and Scott
C.K. Sample, III: (b/c we're the only TUAWers online now)
Scott McNulty: I heart alliteration
C.K. Sample, III: lol
Scott McNulty: Thanks for having me, C.K.
C.K. Sample, III: i just said co-hosted
C.K. Sample, III: so thanks for having me, Scott!
Scott McNulty: Can you feel the love, people?
Scott McNulty: So new Powerbooks might be coming down the pike
C.K. Sample, III: i seriously doubt it

(Read more after the jump...)

C.K. Sample, III: but maybe
C.K. Sample, III: as one reader pointed out: higher bus speeds
Scott McNulty: well, I think they might do one more rev
C.K. Sample, III: isn't it down the pipe?
Scott McNulty: His Steveness did say they had some great PowerPC based products coming out
Scott McNulty: I think pike is right
Scott McNulty: pike is another word for road
Scott McNulty: I htink
4:00 PM
C.K. Sample, III: i just discovered that you cannot copy and paste definitions from the overlay dictionary you call up via Command + CTRL + D
C.K. Sample, III: at least not in chat
C.K. Sample, III: pike 1 |pīk| |paɪk| |pʌɪk|
noun ( pl. same)
a long-bodied predatory freshwater fish with a pointed snout and large teeth, of both North America and Eurasia.
northern pike
• Family Esocidae and genus Esox: five species, including the widespread northern pike ( E. lucius).
• any fish with similar characteristics, such as the walleye.
• used in names of other predatory fish with large teeth, e.g., garpike.

The other person, or their software, refused the request.
C.K. Sample, III: crap
C.K. Sample, III: that was too big
Scott McNulty: Well, it looks like I was sorta right
C.K. Sample, III: anyway it says a pike is a fish
C.K. Sample, III: but short for turnpike
Scott McNulty: the 1904 World's Fair had a grand walkway called 'The Pike'
C.K. Sample, III: gotcha
C.K. Sample, III: ah, the joys of new words
Scott McNulty: there was lots of entertainment so people would say, 'There's always something new coming down the Pike'
C.K. Sample, III: speaking of: this is my favorite feature of Tiger
C.K. Sample, III: the built-in dictionary
Scott McNulty: I love the built-in dictionary
Scott McNulty: and thesuarus
C.K. Sample, III: prevents me daily from posting antonyms to the word I really meant
Scott McNulty: too bad I'm on my Thinkpad, or I could be taking advantage of the built in spell checking as well
C.K. Sample, III: booooo hisssssss
Scott McNulty: There is a Mac mini sitting next to me though
Scott McNulty: and I have to say this, I love it!
C.K. Sample, III: so why aren't you using it?
Scott McNulty: My Mac mini review:
Scott McNulty: I love it!
Scott McNulty: well, I was using it to burn a CD
C.K. Sample, III: do you have a little Mac mini bag that you carry it around in?
C.K. Sample, III: hello
C.K. Sample, III: OS X
C.K. Sample, III: multitasking
Scott McNulty: riiiiiiiiiiight
Scott McNulty: I'm still thinking OS 9
C.K. Sample, III: I have 18 programs open right now
Scott McNulty: and all of them are porn related in one way or another
4:05 PM
C.K. Sample, III: well, in one way or another is rather broad
C.K. Sample, III: I mean, since they are mostly internet capable apps, yes, I guess so
C.K. Sample, III: but otherwise no
Scott McNulty: Ah! You admit it!
C.K. Sample, III: I admit nothing
C.K. Sample, III: you're just trying to impugn my character to countermand the fact that you choose to use your Thinkpad over your mini
Scott McNulty: I don't have adium installed on it yet
C.K. Sample, III: ooooh
C.K. Sample, III: and that takes soooooo long
C.K. Sample, III: hello: iChat!
Scott McNulty: I'm a busy man!
Scott McNulty: you know I'm not that big a fan of iChat
Scott McNulty: it is a little too barebones for me
C.K. Sample, III: i love iChat
C.K. Sample, III: or at least i did until Tiger broke it
Scott McNulty: perhaps if I videoconferenced with people I would feel differently
Scott McNulty: but I don't, though I do have an iSight
C.K. Sample, III: yes, I use it to videochat with my pal Jason in London all the time
Scott McNulty: see there you go, it is great for that
Scott McNulty: though I have never seen the real allure of video chatting
Scott McNulty: why do I need to see what you're doing?
Scott McNulty: it is sort of like the chat equivalent of podcasting
C.K. Sample, III: well, it's effective for showing off things like an apartment in London that I've never visited
Scott McNulty: touche
C.K. Sample, III: or to show how pregnant his wife has become
Scott McNulty: is that what you two do when you chat?
Scott McNulty: look at his apartment and then look at his wife?
C.K. Sample, III: actually, the day that he told me they were having a baby, he did so by holding up a picture of the sonogram in front of the iSight
C.K. Sample, III: no
C.K. Sample, III: it just adds something to the conversation
4:10 PM
Scott McNulty: I'm not sold on it
C.K. Sample, III: I mean, 95% of our conversations are just regular chat
C.K. Sample, III: then 3% audio over iChat
C.K. Sample, III: and then about 2% video chats
Scott McNulty: audio I can see
Scott McNulty: I'm like daredevil
C.K. Sample, III: but I think it is a good thing for long distance friends and family who you don't see that often
Scott McNulty: I suppose if I had friends and or family I would agree.
C.K. Sample, III: I plan on getting my parents an iSight the next time I visit home, so I can show them how to use it
Scott McNulty: I'm a lonely, lonely pundit
Scott McNulty: My mom is rocking a 333mhz blueberry iMac
Scott McNulty: so no iSight for her!
C.K. Sample, III: looks like there is an Xsan update
C.K. Sample, III: 1.1
C.K. Sample, III: ah, but you could get her that program that makes it work with older macs....
C.K. Sample, III: what is that called
C.K. Sample, III: USB.....something or other
Scott McNulty: USBOverdrive?
Scott McNulty: but it is firewire
Scott McNulty: I"m confused
Scott McNulty: anyway, she has enough trouble with email, so I will leave the webcams out of it
Scott McNulty: and besides every time I would chat with her I would have to clean up my apartment
Scott McNulty: I don't need that
C.K. Sample, III: iChatUSBCam
4:15 PM
Scott McNulty: ahh I see what you're saying
C.K. Sample, III:
Scott McNulty: get her a USB cam
C.K. Sample, III: just use an old USB cam
C.K. Sample, III: yeah
Scott McNulty: no thanks, besides she is still using dialup
C.K. Sample, III: but I think it also works with an iSight
C.K. Sample, III: GAH
C.K. Sample, III: dial-up
C.K. Sample, III: why would you want to leave your mother with dial-up?
C.K. Sample, III: what kind of son are you?
Scott McNulty: I'm a bad son
Scott McNulty: it is fine for her needs
Scott McNulty: she is not an internet maven
C.K. Sample, III: she could be
C.K. Sample, III: if you would only help her out with some broadband
C.K. Sample, III: she could start a sight called bloggingmommy on typepad
C.K. Sample, III: (see what I did there?)
Scott McNulty: I see
C.K. Sample, III: anyway, XSan is now Tiger compatible
Scott McNulty: well, she continues to call my blog a 'boggle' so I think I'll hold off on that
Scott McNulty: sweet
Scott McNulty: I wish I could play around with apple's enterprise stuff
C.K. Sample, III:
C.K. Sample, III: yes
C.K. Sample, III: it would be nice
C.K. Sample, III: so what do you think is going to happen with all the 64-bit hub-bub about OS X now that we're going Intel
C.K. Sample, III: ?
Scott McNulty: Apple will just use a 64 bit Intel chip
4:20 PM
Scott McNulty: You have to keep in mind that Apple isn't limited to what chips Intel is making righ tnow
C.K. Sample, III: is this chatcast postworthy?
C.K. Sample, III: Tired Tuesday Afternoon Chatcast?
Scott McNulty: I was just thinking the same thing myself
Scott McNulty: it could be entertaining, though it is a little light on the news
C.K. Sample, III: i blame you for this sucking
Scott McNulty: what?! you wanted to do a chatcast when nothing is going on in the Mac world
Scott McNulty: I was just following orders
C.K. Sample, III: nothing going on?
Scott McNulty: oh right, XSan
C.K. Sample, III: I'm speaking!
C.K. Sample, III: I make the Mac world spin
Scott McNulty: really?
C.K. Sample, III: no
4:25 PM
Scott McNulty: oh
Scott McNulty: I leave it up to you to decide if this is postworthy or not
C.K. Sample, III: it's not
C.K. Sample, III: SO I'LL POST IT!
C.K. Sample, III: ha ha