
WIN looking for bloggers who are fanatical about downloading

weblogs inc wants you

If you are a freak about downloading new freeware and shareware to your Mac or your PC at work, if you like to see how much spyware you can cram into your computer and discover all the interesting ways you can go about removing it without the IT guys in your department catching wind of your activities—in short, if you are an install new software junkie and you can write, Weblogs, Inc. needs you.

We're looking for some guinea pigs willing to endanger their personal computers people for a new blog we're launching, focusing on all the downloadable software goodness that the Internet has to offer. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, would be to download software, install it on your computer, play around with it, and then tell the world whether it is any good or not. Does this sound of interest to you? If so, send us a trilogy of sample blog posts to this link. We could especially use some Linux geeks.