
Artist prints "flying carpet" for airport

flying carpet

So, you like the fact that your inkjet can print iron-on transfers for t-shirts? Iranian artist Seyed Alavi has you topped in a big way. Alavi decided to create a 150-foot long carpet for a pedestiran walkway in the Sacramento Airport that would be imprinted with aerial imagery of the region — a modern take on the "flying carpet." Alavi's carpet was created by Ulster Carpets, using imagery provided by the Geographical Information Center at Cal State Chico. Oh, and don't feel too bad about those inkjet t-shirts; the artist is willing to throw you a bone: "It is truly amazing what is possible to print images on these days," he told Gizmag. "Of course, for home use the cost is still somewhat prohibitive, but that is slowly changing as well. I think mostly you're seeing it starting small in the world of crafts such as printing your own t-shirts …" Go for it; as Alavi proves, the sky's the limit.