
CNET editors miss the Newton

apple newton

I don't know how it happened, but I managed to snooze through the whole Newton craze. Call me a late bloomer.

The gang at CNET was wide awake, however, and they have placed the Newton on their list of the 10 technologies they miss most. Joining the Newton are (oh yeah... my lazy bones really miss them), Napster (the original... when it was cool to steal music), the original Palm Pilot (I started with a Palm III... late to the party again!), manned space exploration and the loved by (those worth) millions... Concorde supersonic jet. Perhaps the CNET editors should take a trip down to Dave's basement for a little Newton lovin'?

Yep, them's some fine memories...

Then again, they also include "wires" and "vinyl LPs" on that list, which are two things I can't imagine ever missing.

Let's get a show of hands. Who here has or once had a Newton? If you have one, what are you currently using it for?

(I feel like we've taken an informal poll of this nature before, but I can't locate it right now, so humor me)