
Emo Game v 2.0 released

Emo Button

Put on your thick-rimmed spectacles and check out this site. Emo Game has been around for awhile, but version 2 has been out so far (though I didn't realize it until now), and from what I've played so far, it's just as politically incorrect as the last one - perfect! Here's how the story begins: Enrique Inglesias has kidnapped your friends, Gene Simmons is selling excrement on QVC, and Friends have formed a band for the purpose of brainwashing the youth into Gap-wearing yuppies. So what is a bunch of Emo kids (and that guy from Juliana Theory) supposed to do? Form an Emo terrorist group and kill celebrities, of course! Perfect.

If you have a sense of humor, and find South Park to be too tame for you, then you are a perfect candidate to waste a few hours on this game (if not more). The new version is heavily updated for better gameplay and the story is a lot less cohesive (which, in terms of this game, is a compliment). So go play. Now. And when you get bored, play the original. Or watch an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Or, really, anything else you want to do.

[via digg]