
Get free music for screenshots of your Dashboard


Not a big fan of Dashboard? Well don't kill it just yet, it may earn you some free tunes. Brian Stucki is trying to collect as many Dashboard screenshots as he can, and to that end he's created a contest. The person who sends him the greatest number of screenshots of his/her Dashboard with the widgets in various configurations will win a $30 gift certificate to the iTunes Music Store. Here are the specifics:

  1. Any Screen Resolution is ok.

  2. Send in as many as you’d like, but be sure that each one is different. (change out widgets, move them around, or have a different desktop behind the dashboard.)

  3. Please be aware of any personal info you may have on your dashboard, such as a WAN ip address.

  4. Multiple submissions will be grouped by email address so be sure to send from the same address each time. More then one screenshot per email is ok.

  5. The contest will end Monday Aug, 15, 2005.

So spend a few minutes clicking away, send Brian your snaps and maybe win some music.