
Widget Watch: miniStat 2


Here's a great widget I discovered earlier today. miniStat2 from Shock Widgets reports on system stats like battery life, CPU heat, CPU usage, free storage on mounted drives, memory usage and uptime. That's great, but what I like about miniStat2 is its interface. You can choose from several "skins" to match your machine, including iBook G4, Powerbook G4, both G4 and G5 iMacs, Mac mini and Powermac G5. Plus, you move from one report to the next by clicking on the "dock" in the widget's display. Informative and fun...what more could you want?

The website claims that miniStat2 uses only 1% of CPU resources when updating, which it does constantly, and 10M of RAM at average. A single license will cost you $7.45US.