
Apple advertising Dashboard Widgets... on Yahoo!

Here's one of life's little ironies. Apple is running an ad for Tiger's Dashboard Widgets. If we'd seen this tasteful Flash advertisement on any website other than Yahoo, which owns Konfabulator, we wouldn't be quite as amused. But we didn't. And now we can't stop laughing.

apple widget ad

This one happens to be an ad for the Stock Ticker Widget, aptly on a Yahoo Finance article. If you refresh this page (link) a few times you'll probably see it for yourself. If not, here's a SnapzPro movie I grabbed of it. Even more beautiful is the final frame of the ad, which is a) false and b) pretty ballsy considering the site it's running on!

widgets only on a mac

The only ones I've seen are on Yahoo. Has ayone seen these elsewhere? They seem to fit in with the magazine spreads Apple has been doing, but I am not sure if this is a new campaign or just variations on a theme.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!