
Top 10 reasons to watch "The Late Show" in HDTV

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Ok, I'm a little tired and cranky from getting up to see if Letterman was in HD, but after a few quarts of coffee this morning, I had an idea. Since last night's "Top 10" list should have been something to do with HDTV, we're asking for your help to build our own "Top 10" list. We'll take the best of the best and if we can come up with a solid list, we'll send it in to Dave for the show.

We'll start you out with one of the Top 10 reasons to watch "The Late Show" in HDTV:

"You can see that the band isn't really playing their instruments."

Yes, they're all very talented musicians, so don't start on me. I just wanted to get things going. Add to the list in our comments; keep 'em funny, keep 'em related to HD, and keep 'em clean!