
Japanese Toyotas equipped with networked anti-theft cameras

Toyota in-car security cam

You know who this is for: those guys who buy every issue of Dub, who spend more time tricking out their car than with their family, and who dream of spoilers, rims and nitrous. Guys who would rather lose a limb than their ride. Well, Toyota wants to help those guys sleep at night, so they've introduced an in-car security camera (sorry, Japan-only for right now) that photographs the lowlife who just jacked your wheels. Powered by their G-BOOK suite of wireless services (think: OnStar), when a car is stolen the perp's pic is immediately sent to a Toyota Security Center. So once they track down your pimped-out Scion, the guy behind the wheel can no longer claim, "No officer, I swear officer, my friend told me it belongs to his grandma." Busted!