
Nintendo goes "Game On" in Turkey

Turkish Flag

Nintendo inked an exclusive import and distriubution deal with the Turkish firm Nortec Eurasia (not to be be confused with the Nortec Collective). Nortec Eurasia will not only import and distribute products, but is also hiring a legal firm to keep an eye on retailers who might be selling pirated products. Interestingly, the company has announced in advance that Nintendo console hardware will be priced more expensively in Turkey then in the European Countries (note: Turkey is presently in the process of application/acceptance into the European Union). Given the historic levels of piracy in Turkey, this would seem like a move to capture game royalties at the sale of the console, in anticipation of missing out on them in game sales. At the same time, the company suggests that only 15% of the Turkish population might financially afford the gamer lifestyle.