
Florida man buys hard drive, ends up with box of old batteries

maxtor hard drive from staples

So we can't vouch for the validity of this story, but according to intrepid reader "Paul," a Florida-area Staples sold him a box that was supposed to contain a new Maxtor 300GB hard drive, and was instead filled with two D batteries and a "rusty yellow battery pack." "Paul" speculates that either a foreign factory worker has some sticky fingers, or that a Staples employee is pulling some shady warehouse shenanigans (retail employee theft? we've never heard of such a thing!). No word on Paul's success or lack thereof in writing data to his new "hard drive(s)," but you can follow the "Read" link for a pic of this supposed bait-and-switch, and please let us know in the comments if you've ever bought one product and found another inside the box.