
SmashMyiPod nothing but a scam?


We first wrote about SmashMyiPod back on October 10th, and then posted an update on the 21st, when the site had apparently reached its goal. As you may remember, SmashMyiPod was (supposedly) run by some folks who intended to publicly destroy an iPod purchased with funds donated by readers. The destruction would be videotaped and posted to the site, so that iPod haters everywhere could revel in the cathartic glee. Now, it looks like the entire thing was a scam - a scam that got the webmaster a brand new 5G iPod, courtesy of his readers. More after the jump.

[Via Cult of Mac]

While the site claimed, "mission accomplished" on the 21st, they didn't post any video of the actual smashing until today. It's ten minutes long, and the first nine minutes feature the webmaster's purchase of a (brand new, 5G) iPod. He tries to stomp on it in the store, but is escorted out before finishing the job.

Next, he is seen smashing what is clearly a 20GB, 4G iPod in an alley with a hammer. says, "Obvious scam." We only hope you didn't give this guy any money.