
Taser X26C stun gun for the rest of us

taser x26c stun gun

Oh happy day. We can't tell you how long we've been waiting to get our hands on a Taser-brand stun gun to give us the same incapacitating firepower as the cops, and Taser has met our request with the new X26C model for personal use. Even though it's meant for Joe Citizen, the X26C still packs a mighty punch, delivering 50,000 volts of pain from two tethered darts up to 15-feet away. Taser must imagine that you're going to go a little wild with this thing, seeing how they include six dart cartridges and a battery good for 150 shots with the gun. Also included for your $1000 are a holster, paper target with outlined "kill zones," instructional DVD, and a certificate for free one-on-one training in the black arts from a certified killing machine instructor. Taser has also thoughtfully manufactured the guns to release confetti emblazoned with the particular unit's serial number when fired, so criminals will have to start carrying around dustbusters if this becomes a new tool of their trade.

[Via The Denver Channel]