
Poll: What's your favorite PSP title to date?


Hey, PSP fanboys and fangirls, I have a question for you: What's your absolute favorite PSP game to date? I have to say being a longtime fan of Blizzard's Diablo, early on, I was enthralled with Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I hacked it, I couldn't get it to play multiplayer nicely over Xlink Kai, so I lost interest. Since then, I've bounced between favorites.

Of course, I love Wipeout Pure! I've always loved the Wipeout series and the nice little browser that can be easily tricked into regular browsing on my 1.50 firmware homebrew system really makes this one of the must-haves for the PSP.

Speaking of homebrew, I think I know my favorite game on the PSP: Chris Bowron's pspChess, which is a port of BCE to the PSP. What's your favorite?