
Revo Smash Bros. not developed by Nintendo?

Super Smash Bros. Melee Screen

Following from our previous post about the Smash Bros. series being reunited with its creator, Masahiro Sakurai, it seems that development on the Revolution version of the game may have started with a different development company altogether, a company which was most notably not Nintendo. The IGN article fails to reveal the identity of the mystery company, but does state that they had enough experience with the Gamecube version to satisfy Sakurai when he took over.

Following his arrival, Nintendo set up some brand new offices to accomodate the entire development team who are, interestingly enough, using many tools and assets from Super Smash Bros. Melee in their design. That's the plan, at least, since most of said development team has yet to be hired. I guess when Satoru Iwata made that surprise announcement of the game at E3 2005, he really meant it as a surprise to everyone.