
EyeBall cameras can be chucked in for remote surveillance

EyeBall wireless camera

Sometimes the posh life at the Engadget southern winter estate bores us and we look for excitement by spying on our ritzy Floridian neighbors. Up till now, that has required tossing interns over the electric fence and assessing their screams for any info, but now it seems ODF has a solution in their EyeBall wireless cameras that should save us a bundle on HR and lawsuits. The rotating spheroid camera weighs less than a pound and is protected by rubber and polyurethane, which means we can chuck it through a window or bounce it off a garden statue to get the device properly situated to transmit the dirt. The battery lasts for two hours, and is rechargeable if we ever retrieve the device, which we hope to, since it's $4,800 for a pair of EyeBalls and the receiving equipment. The kit is actually targeted for use by the Police and other such "betterment of humanity" type endeavors, but that doesn't mean we can't have our little fun.