
The GP2X wants to be your on-the-go emulator of choice

GP2X console against white

So you're hankering for some hardcore old-school gameplay, but your Genesis is back at home and you're stuck at the hospital waiting for your wife to hurry up and deliver that baby already. Since you're sure as hell not gonna pay up for your retro fix, until now your best bet was a PlayStation Portable and a memory stick packed with your favorite ROMs. But with Sony tirelessly updating the PSP's firmware to head hackers off at the pass, keeping those emulators in working order can be something of a challenge. Enter the Gamepark GP2X, the Linux-based portable gaming platform from the makers of that other handheld you've never heard of. With no commercially-released titles to speak of, gaming on the GP2X is 100% open source, so an extensive library of dubious ports and emulations was fairly inevitable. Among others, the GP2X already boasts emulators for the NES, SNES, PlayStation, Sega Master System, and Genesis/Megadrive. So now when your newborn son first comes into this world, let his first memories be of his daddy kicking it old-school with Sonic and pals. When the doc asks if you'd like to hold him, tell her sure… right after you finish this zone.