
Jeff Henshaw talks 360 multimedia

Jeff Henshaw - not the one on the left

The UK's Official Xbox Magazine has managed to spend some quality time with Jeff Henshaw, the man who turned the Xbox from a games console to a multimedia centrepiece for the home. He's also responsible for the Guide, and some of the new features in Xbox Live and the Marketplace.

With a little sly dig at some rivals -- There are other companies out there that want you to own a brand ‘S’ console. They want you to own a brand ‘S’ TV and a brand ‘S’ digital audio player and a brand ‘S’ portable gaming device -- he talks on living room convergence, Microsoft and Apple, casual gamers and Xbox Live. Microsoft are clearly focused on convergence--the Guide and the multifaceted functionality of the 360 make this clear--but it's interesting to see quite how single-mindedly they are going after the market. In Microsoft's world, all you need is an Xbox.