
An Interview With a WoW Bot Programmer

One of the reasons I enjoy WoW is because of the human and social interaction built into it. Grouping, questing, and raiding is one of the more fun aspects of the game, despite sometimes running into some pretty annoying group members.

So I've never been tempted to use one of the many bot programs available out there. Despite being explicitly prohibited by Blizzard, many people continue to use bots to level up their characters automatically, or to farm for gold, or to execute otherwise impossible maneuvers in the game. For instance, there's a hack that allows you to teleport to anywhere in the game, including normally off-limits areas and areas still under development.

TG Daily has a pretty interesting interview with Mercury, the programmer for the bot called WoWGlider, which allows you to level up your character with minimal effort. The bot is programmed to fight monsters and mobs in the game by itself and collect the loot.

I won't ever use a bot myself since I don't want to risk being banned by Blizzard, but I can understand why many people would be tempted.