
Fanboy Roundup: Movin' on up

Joystiq wasn't the only one to move into a fancy new place... the Fanboys are right there along with 'em. After a long weekend with no comments, they're back and ready for some action! DS Fanboy ponders the eternal question, "Will my DS work with the Revolution?" while reminding themselves that it was Nintendo that made Animal Crossing, despite the presence of a little BSoD action. PSP Fanboy makes all the PSP lovers cringe with some graphic (truly not safe for fanboys) shots of a PSP that had a date with a dog while DS fans point and laugh. Cruel, cruel world. Xbox 360 Fanboy found an interesting video detailing how to control your piano with a 360 controller. (If only I'd found that sooner, it would have saved me a fortune on piano lessons!) Here's what they've been up to all week:

DS Fanboy

DS dominates Japanese sales charts
Will the DS work with Nintendo's upcoming Revolution?
Animal Crossing blue screen of death

PSP Fanboy
PSP pwned by dog
How to make your website PSP-ready
Sony wants you to update to 2.6

Xbox 360 Fanboy
Play a piano with your 360 controller
Xbox 360: best launch lineup ever, says J
New site scouts 360 achievements