
We're going to Macworld!

Some of you may recall my post about TUAW being refused a press pass to Macworld. Some thought it was appropriate, others thought I was whining, and still others applied the 'Fight Club' rule of press passes and said that since I talked about getting a press pass I didn't deserve to get a press pass. Sadly, we still don't have a press pass but IDG was nice enough to offer us a different kind of pass that gives us almost the same kind of access (thanks, IDG!).This means that TUAW will be out in force at Macworld (Laurie, Jan, Victor, and Damien (still finalizing his plans) will be there as well as yours truly) covering all the news, and perhaps making some news of our own. If you would like to schedule some time to meet with us about your product, invite us to your party, or just want a chance to meet a TUAW blogger in the flesh at the Maciest event of the season use our contact form and get in touch.