
Rumor: magazine confirms new WoW Alliance race

Some magazine scans have wound up on the internet, purported from the February 2006 issue of Computer Games Magazine (it's so amazing how soothsayer-like print publications can be...). The scans, if legit, reveal the new Alliance race to be included in the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade expansion: the Draenei.

According to Warcraft lore (via the ever-informative WoWWiki), the Draenei are an ugly race of creatures currently serving Illidan in the Outworld. Other races serving Illidan include the already-confirmed Blood Elves and the Naga.

The Draenei would certainly offset the "sex appeal" found in most Alliance races (one of the reasons cited for the Blood Elves being on the side of the Horde), and as the Outworld plays a role in the Burning Crusade, such a choice (Draenei siding with the Alliance) would set up a rather intriguing plot.

Remember, this has yet to be confirmed by Blizzard, so consider this a rumor until we get the official word.

[via WOW Insider]