
2 and 4GB iPod Shuffles?

iPod Shuffle

I don't know what this would do to the iPod mini market if it turns out to be true, but according to DigiTimes daily IT News, Samsung Electronics and Toshiba are working to ramp up production of "8Gbit NAND flash chips, as Apple Computer plans to roll out 2GB and 4GB versions of its iPod Shuffle this June and August, respectively, according to sources at NAND flash makers."

Of course, Apple has not confirmed any of this and neither have Samsung or Toshiba.

If Apple does come out with these larger-capacity iPod shuffles, I would hope they would incorporate some sort of mini-screen in the design. I mean, 512MBs to 1GB of music is easy enough to keep track of, but when you get into 2 & 4GBs of music, I'd be worried that songs would, er, get lost in the shuffle, so to speak.

[via fscklog]