
TUAW Tuesday Reader Chatcast

podcasts are here

Here's another chatcast from the chatroom. This one runs a bit long, but there are some interesting bits. We discussed the new podcasting features of the iTMS, the new iPods, the possibility of an iPhone, and some troubleshooting Tiger bits, alongside lamentations about Panther's passing. Jay, Scott, Dave, and myself were all there to participate with the readers. All of this surrounded by wonderful chatroom nonsense! Enjoy!

The chatcast:

iNemo: hey people
nick: hey ck
CK TUAW: hey all
Joe: yo ck
CK TUAW: what do you guys think about the new podcasting features in
iNemo: brilliant
CK TUAW: and the new iPod announcements?
Joe: i don;t care for podcasts
iNemo: great, means less confusion over which iPod to buy
iNemo: I still think the 60GB is waaaaay to thick
CK TUAW: I'm not a big podcast fan myself, but I like the implementation of
CK TUAW: I just wish they'd stick videocasts in there too
CK TUAW: since there is already video support

Read the rest after the jump...

iNemo: yeah that'd be ace
iNemo: maybe iTunes 5 eh.
CK TUAW: Apple could be internet TV
Joe: now that will be cool
CK TUAW: and if they include the commercials from the big stations I don't
see the downside
nick: hey ck is there anyway to show how many people are in the
chatroom on the tuaw main page?
CK TUAW: nick, not yet
Joe: brb
********** at 2:05 PM Dave Caolo joined the room
CK TUAW: it'd be a nice feature
Dave Caolo: an exciting day in apple land
nick: yes it would
Sam: what do u guys speculate as to what will be announced on the 7th?
CK TUAW: but we're just beta testing this chatroom right now
CK TUAW: I'm not sure
Dave Caolo: me neither. hey, C.K.
Sam: could the minis get some treatment?
CK TUAW: though support for video casts and television via iTunes would
be my dream
CK TUAW: hey Dave
iNemo: colour mini's at the same price would be cool
iNemo: then it would be a colour iPod range
Dave Caolo: C.K. you're not kidding, that'd be great
Joe: itablet?
CK TUAW: iTablet would be cool
Dave Caolo: i've said that the next thing could be an itunes liek service for
tv shows
CK TUAW: if it were heavy on the drawing capabilities
CK TUAW: I'm a doodler
CK TUAW: so I would totally dig that
Dave Caolo: not necessarialy from apple, but from someone
CK TUAW: yeah I have a post going live at 3:30 where I point to me
listening to the Nightline podcast
CK TUAW: and I ask why there is no video in the preview pane
Dave Caolo: i was unable to get my shuffle to use the built in "podcasts"
playlist at its source
Dave Caolo: anyone else experience this?
CK TUAW: of all the days to leave my iPod at home
********** at 2:09 PM Scott McNulty joined the room
Dave Caolo: hey scott
Joe: i not to into the ipod
Dave Caolo: yeah, pretty unfortunate C.K.
CK TUAW: I wish that the iPod software update would give the B&W iPods
the same screen art etc features of the iPod photo, now that all the iPods
are the same
CK TUAW: but I doubt that is the case
Dave Caolo: yeah that'd be sweet
Sam: yeah definitely
Scott McNulty: Hello all
Joe: hi
Scott McNulty: how about that iTunes, huh?
CK TUAW: I'm not a big podcast fan
CK TUAW: but I like that I can now get mainstream media
CK TUAW: like TV and radio
Dave Caolo: my thoughts exactly, ck
CK TUAW: in podcast form through iTunes
CK TUAW: that is cool
Joe: yup
Scott McNulty: yeah, I will listen to more podcasts now that iTunes just
does it for me
Scott McNulty: and I am very excited about chapters, as I was telling CK
earlier (and I will be posting about later today)
Dave Caolo: yeah, scott, esp. now that i can get more professionally
produced content so easily, like C.K. said
CK TUAW: i'm trying to get Jay to get in here too
CK TUAW: but he may be busy with work
Sam: is there a way to tell apart the more professional podcasts from the
more amatuer podcasts?
Dave Caolo: wow the four of us at once
CK TUAW: anyway, hopefully the next version of iTunes will support my
Joe: lol
the Mac voices
Dave Caolo: ha!
CK TUAW: yeah, the Beeb podcast that I tried to listen to earlier was just
text read aloud by "Fred"
CK TUAW: that surprised me
Dave Caolo: i prefer, victoria, high quality.
Joe: hmm
Scott McNulty: I like Bubbles
Joe: lol
CK TUAW: I wonder how many people out there are submitting podcasts
that aren't theirs
Joe: bells
CK TUAW: jay said he's busy but may join in a few
CK TUAW: I'm going to post this chat as a chatcast i think
Joe: cool
CK TUAW: so everyone chime in with your thoughts and opinions
Scott McNulty: you're going crazy with the chatcasts
CK TUAW: and any questions you may have for us TUAWers
CK TUAW: I go crazy with everything
CK TUAW: I am total OCD
Scott McNulty: I know, I know
Dave Caolo: my first thought this morning was, even if I'm not too excited
about podcast content just yet, this move certainly legitimizes it and my
attract more and more interesting content
Joe: itunes knows where to go
Dave Caolo: read: stuff i'm willing to listen to
CK TUAW: i think Steve saw that everyone was calling podcasts PODcasts
CK TUAW: rather than audioblogs
CK TUAW: and thought,
Joe: lol
CK TUAW: "How can I make sure to most thoroughly cash in on this iPod-
promotional cow?"
Dave Caolo: yeah, steve's no dope
CK TUAW: and notice that today was iPod for iTunes
CK TUAW: new iPods
Joe: yes now it is a Pod cast
CK TUAW: i meant podcasts for iTunes
********** at 2:20 PM fra joined the room
CK TUAW: crap
fra: hey
CK TUAW: FRA! whatup, welcome to a podcast
Dave Caolo: new music tuesday gets better and better
CK TUAW: i mean chatcast
fra: uhh... is this it
fra: (im looking though it)
CK TUAW: we're chatting about the new podcasting and ipods
CK TUAW: what do you think?
fra: i downloaded at 12-ish
fra: its crap
fra: im removing it from my sidebar
CK TUAW: why?
fra: so i dont have to click on it by accdent
CK TUAW: so why do you hate it?
fra: im not a hug fan of pod casting
nick: you can't remove it from your sidebar
Joe: i can't use the new itunes on my imac it running 10.2
fra: i tried to get into it
fra: but mehh..
********** at 2:21 PM danlurie left the room
ick, your right
fra: damn
fra: now to update the 4G non colour (OHH THE SHAME)
CK TUAW: yeah I have a 40GB 4G non-color
CK TUAW: totally drooling over the new 60
fra: the uk site still calls the iPod.. the iPod
CK TUAW: have been drooling for a while
Joe: ya
CK TUAW: I have a drooling condition
nick: i love the iPod U2 but its way to little capacity for me
fra: U2 iPod, if only it was all black
********** at 2:23 PM Grappik joined the room
Joe: apple keeps poping out the ipods
Grappik: Howydy... The chat can start now. I am here.
nick: i'm down with the red its nice
CK TUAW: i want other artisst's ipOd s already
nick: hey grap
nick: ya foo fighters would be nice
nick: haha
CK TUAW: we're mid chatcast grappik
Scott McNulty: I have a 40 gig photo
CK TUAW: I want a Radiohead one
Dave Caolo: C. K. me too
Dave Caolo: you think that'll happen?
Scott McNulty: the iPod that time forgot
Joe: get one from colorware
CK TUAW: nope
Dave Caolo: Coldplay seems pretty darn pro-apple these days
Grappik: What are we chat casting about?
CK TUAW: podcasting and new iPods
Dave Caolo: as does nine inch nails
nick: trent is just smart
fra: Chris called his kid apple, i only worked out why last night talking to my
CK TUAW: yeah, coldplay released their own version of the Solio
CK TUAW: they need their own iPod
Grappik: I'd like an all diamond-plate iPod... Choose your own artist for the
fra: though if I was coldplay band members i would kill my self
fra: they got beeten to number one by the crazy frog
nick: haha

Scott McNulty: I would like a They Might Be Giants ipod
Joe: there are alot of sites that make costom ipods
Scott McNulty: but that's just me
fra: the guys that told the UK were kinda pissed about it
fra: as was I
Dave Caolo: oh amn yeah they might be giants
fra: I like white anyway
Dave Caolo: with some cool graphics instead of a solid color
fra: its apple saying 'Walkmen were Black, were white'
CK TUAW: Gorillaz iPod would be cool
Dave Caolo: i'm just glad we got color screens across the board
bad guys. That's what Apple is
Scott McNulty: yes I'm glad they simplified the lineup
fra: Im not
Dave Caolo: i have to admit after using a color screen for a while, i really
feel it's quite nice
Scott McNulty: it was getting a little crowded
fra: i never liked colour screen iPods
there's always the mini, fra
Grappik: I like the updated iPod software...
fra: as i said last night, everyone uses their cell phones for pictures
fra: yeah but i like to show off with the big iPod
Scott McNulty: I can't update my iPod until I get home
CK TUAW: when will see a 3-D holographic iPod?
fra: im doing it now
CK TUAW: same here, scott
Scott McNulty: my work Mac mini is mocking me
Dave Caolo: scott it must be killing you!
Scott McNulty: it is killing me!
Scott McNulty: I downloaded iTunes before I left for work
fra: im upgrading, ill tell you wahts new later scott
Joe: lol
Scott McNulty: so I am set to go on that
CK TUAW: he'll be dead by then fra
Grappik: Where's Andrew? Shouldn't he be admitting to being the guy that
stole the truckload of iPods in this chat cast?
Dave Caolo: yeah thanks to my 3 month old i found it at 6:00 AM
CK TUAW: smart kid
Dave Caolo: ESZT
Dave Caolo: yeah, he knows what's up
fra: i like the status bar on the ipod
fra: rebooting...
Dave Caolo: woo!
Grappik: I found it 'round 5 sumptin est...
Joe: look at this link for ipods
Dave Caolo: now the menacing "do not disconnect" message
CK TUAW: *sooo excited*
********** at 2:31 PM CK TUAW left the room
Grappik: Why's he excited?
fra: Podcasts is in the music menu
Grappik: Ahh...
Scott McNulty: he was excited and then off he went
Dave Caolo: yeah i like the purple icon
Scott McNulty: there is a purple icon on the iPod?
Scott McNulty: or just in iTunes?
Grappik: iTunes...
fra: thats it scott, Podcasts shows up on the Music menu
Dave Caolo: yeah
Scott McNulty: hmm that's not so exciting
********** at 2:32 PM CK TUAW joined the room
Scott McNulty: but I still want it!
CK TUAW: crap
fra: i was hoping for a new game
Grappik: wb CK...
fra: brb
Dave Caolo: the 'podcast' icon is pruple and just attractive. not earth
shattering just new
CK TUAW: I got booted by that link
CK TUAW: someone copy from when dave said Dave Caolo: yeah thanks
to my 3 month old i found it at 6:00 AM
CK TUAW: to now
Grappik: I get booted by certain links, too. Dunno what causes it.
CK TUAW: so I can correct the chatcast
CK TUAW: they used too much purple, imho
Joe: sor
Joe: lol

nick: hey ck you remembering to copy and paste the chat every little
CK TUAW: everything podcast related is purple
nick: haha
Dave Caolo: got it ck
CK TUAW: except for the part where I was booted
fra: back
Scott McNulty: purple to the people!
CK TUAW: who do they think they are?
nick: or when were finished are you gonna say oh no we need to
start over again
Grappik: So, the notorious "they" have discovered all kinds of references to
an iPhone in the new iTunes.
nick: haha
CK TUAW: got it dave thanks

********** at 2:34 PM Mike joined the room
Grappik: Hi Mike.
CK TUAW: yo mike
fra: ill be glad to see the iPhone
Mike: Hi
CK TUAW: welcome to the iPod and podcasting chatcast
Mike: Thanks CK. I finally get to try this out
fra: will the crap MotoOS be replaced by an iPod or Aqua interface?
Mike: This is Mike Outmesguine, btw.
Mike: from the Wireless side
Joe: the ipod phone is comming out soon
CK TUAW: do you think there will actually be an Apple-branded iPhone, or
just a regular phone with iTunes support?
Dave Caolo: be nice if it looks like teh color display ipod
CK TUAW: cool
fra: well, i think a phone
CK TUAW: welcome
Dave Caolo: C. K. I'm sure apple will just license itunes support to a
fra: because if there was an iTunes Java client on the phone
CK TUAW: I want an Apple phone with a built in VNC client so I can control
my Mac with it
Dave Caolo: i don't imagine apple needs to get into the mobile phone
fra: you could port it to other phones (Nokia for example)
Joe: they are working on the phone
fra: iPod + Motorola
Grappik: VNC on a phone, that's usefull... (Emphasis on the sarcasm...
Joe: ya
CK TUAW: lol
CK TUAW: you put the emPHAsis on the wrong SYLlable
Grappik: I always do that... Pesky grammar...
fra: but atm im stuck with a 4 yo nokia 3310, cause my phone is BROKEN

CK TUAW: oof
fra: 4 year old*
Grappik: My old T610 is just fine for me.
fra: Poor 'ol (well 3 month 'ol) O2 X1i
Dave Caolo: itunes/ipod are apple's cash cow. they've already displayed a
willingness to "share" with the HPpod. so further sharing the itms w/mobie
phones os's makes sence
Dave Caolo: snese
Dave Caolo: jeeze
Dave Caolo: SENSE
CK TUAW: Nokia 3650
Dave Caolo: there we go
Dave Caolo: plus there's little effort on apple's part and they still generate a
nick: hey they have the k750i in the states yet?
Joe: cool
fra: ohhh, google desktop search on osx O.o
fra: OMG I MUST HAVE IT!!!!1111one
Grappik: Read the whole thing.
fra: oh.. ok O.o
fra: that was n00bish of me
********** at 2:40 PM Jay Savage joined the room
Dave Caolo: hey jay
CK TUAW: all TUAWers except for Laurie are now in the room
Joe: yo J
CK TUAW: h00t
Grappik: Wow... Almosst all of TUAW is in here. One well placed bomb,
and a blogger I will be!
Jay Savage: 'lo all!
Jay Savage: CK!
Jay Savage: lol!
********** at 2:41 PM Mike left the room
Grappik: The Apple news Grappik wants you to know about.
Jay Savage: *runs*
CK TUAW: crap that bomb took out Mike
Dave Caolo: he never saw it coming
Dave Caolo: dont know nick
Dave Caolo: i haven't heard of it
Grappik: I'd be a good dictator... Uhh... I mean blogger.
Dave Caolo: but then again i dont have a cellphone
fra: brb again, i need some milk
Jay Savage: heh. we need to get a /me feature in here
CK TUAW: *double-take* NO CELLPHONE?!?!
Dave Caolo: it's true
Grappik: Commie!
CK TUAW: lol
Dave Caolo: im the only person on the planet that fails to see the
usefulness or need for a cellphone
nick: i need a new phone...i just don't know if i should buy it in the
states or the moment i say no...haha
CK TUAW: but how do you use Salling Clicker, then?
Dave Caolo: um. . . .
Dave Caolo: sailing clicker??
Grappik: How do you get through the bouts of cell phone envy?!?
iNemo: palm?
Joe: Cellphone + iPod = teens
CK TUAW: yes, do you have a Palm?
CK TUAW: or a PocketPC?
Dave Caolo: no palm, no pocket pc
iNemo: or a newton?
Joe: newton
fra: back
Grappik: I personally don't want to know if Dave uses his Palm or Pocket...
Dave Caolo: newton, yes
Dave Caolo: haha
iNemo: lmao grap
fra: Im surprised that apple would launch the iPod phone... though i think it
would do well in europe
CK TUAW: oh yeah
fra: mainly in the UK+Ireland anyway
CK TUAW: i forgot aobut the Newton
CK TUAW: they have VOIP on those things yet?
iNemo: i remembered because dave posted about IM for newton on tuaw
fra: hey iNemo
Jay Savage: he doesn't have a cell phone but you want him to Skype?
Dave Caolo: not yet
iNemo: hey fra
the vicinity of WiFi
Dave Caolo: but there is bluetooth, 802.11b, jabber, itunes library sync and
native address book and ical sync
Joe: icell
CK TUAW: I've debated getting rid of my cell
CK TUAW: and converting hte number to VOIP
fra: Joe, they wouldnt call it iCell
CK TUAW: and buying one of those wifi voip phones
fra: iMobile probably
Dave Caolo: C. K. : I have a prepaid callinng card
fra: or just Motorola i100
Grappik: As I told Dave last night, my wife and I only use cell phones... We
got rid of our landline finally. DSL was the only thing keeping it on for us.
We switched to Cable.
nick: or even better the evdo voip phones
Joe: iSell
Joe: ya thats a good one
AW: is 421 lines too long for a chatcast?
Dave Caolo: yea, grap, like I said my sister is a pilot and uses her cell as
her only phone. that makes sense to me
iNemo: no way
Dave Caolo: my wife and i had them for six months, only ever called each
other, siad "this is pointless" nad now theyre gone
fra: Phone makers never give a phone its own name and a whole new set
of branded (Bar Nokia N-Gage)
Grappik: Dave, just think, you are one step closer than us to being "off the
grid"... Now you need a cabin in the mountains.
fra: branding*
Dave Caolo: and a hooded sweatshirt
CK TUAW: we need a wrap it up topic for the chatcast
Grappik: Big sunglasses!
CK TUAW: as it is suffering from entropy
nick: hey nice...i may just buy a mini with my new mac since its
Jay Savage: C.K.: your lines, or the whole thing?
ows where there are going with this
CK TUAW: parting thoughts everyone?
Grappik: I only hpe podcasting does not become too commercialized,
pushing the little guys out.
Grappik: hope, even
CK TUAW: I hope it becomes completely commercialized with streaming
video and lasers
CK TUAW: on friggin' sharks heads
nick: lets see...drm is awsome and dave grohl is god
fra: Is a BBC Radio 1 Podcast type thing on the Podcast 'Store'
Joe: lol
nick: haha
iNemo: it can't. if people try and push others out then you just shve it on
your own website
Dave Caolo: anywyay, im excited about apple's sort of taking podcasting
out of people's basments and in essence "inviting" pros to join in the fun
Grappik: Then they would put DRM on them, and make you pay for them,
CK... I knew you were a wolf in sheeps clothing!
CK TUAW: DRM is wrong and evil
CK TUAW: free market enterprise is good, tho
nick: haha
********** at 2:50 PM Scott McNulty left the room
Jay Savage: Yeah, I'm a little worried, quite frankly
CK TUAW: we bored scott
Jay Savage: heh
CK TUAW: I didn't think it was possible
Joe: i am off to a macmod podcast c ya
Grappik: Scott had a final gesture instead of words.
CK TUAW: probably a good ending point
CK TUAW: what are you worried about Jay?
nick: good all...i gotta get to the dentist
Grappik: Oh, wait! One more thing! iTree is all for Podcasting.
Jay Savage: later
Grappik: had to get an iTree reference in there.
********** at 2:51 PM nick left the room
Jay Savage: I don't like the way Apple was so quick to incorporate the
podcasts into the iTMS
Dave Caolo: oh?
CK TUAW: how was it quick?
fra: they have been talking about it for a while Jay
CK TUAW: they've been around for about a year at least
CK TUAW: that's decades in internet time
fra: even talking with Curry about it, asking him for help
ay Savage: That's pretty quick. especially since they've only been big for a
couple of months
Dave Caolo: who ever thought adam curry would have new celebrity "life"
as a poscasting forefather?
Jay Savage: The community really hasn't had time to devlop reliable
fra: ive never heard of the guy before

Grappik: Why should there be standards yet?
Grappik: I think things in the world are over governed as it is.
Jay Savage: so that Apple can't decide for us what they're going to be
CK TUAW: but they aren't
CK TUAW: unless they exclude podcasts
CK TUAW: like mine
Jay Savage: oh??
Dave Caolo: i was happy, at least, that submitting a 'cast for submission is
at least easy
CK TUAW: which still hasn't shown up on the store, btw
fra: Well, theres a report a complaint
Grappik: Right now, Apple has the gates open, not blocking anything as far
as I can tell. If they keep it that way, the community will decide what is good
or not.
Jay Savage: because 4.9 supports bit torrent?
fra: CK, its in the middle on the store.. Jay, does it?!?
Jay Savage: no
CK TUAW: what's in the middle?
fra: ohh...
Jay Savage: if you want to use iTunes for podcasts, you have to do it
Apple's way
Jay Savage: which is my point
Grappik: The creamy white center, duh! What's in the middle? Really!
Joe: yo ck have you seen this,39020436,2127406-3,00.htm
Joe: apple's songs
Joe: Apple's Greatest Hits
CK TUAW: cool
fra: well on the uk store, if there even is local versions (which it doesnt
seem to be)
********** at 2:57 PM Joe left the room
********** at 2:57 PM narco joined the room
narco: so, is there something better than Disk Utility?
fra: Joe.. i love you
Jay Savage: for what?
narco: my G5 is being crazy ever since that iPod update
fra: strange O_O
CK TUAW: howso n arco
********** at 2:58 PM KW joined the room
narco: for starters, Photoshop will give me the "beachball of death" then
slowly, all the open apps including Finder will do the same
Grappik: Which version of Photoshop?
narco: i try to force quit, but the window won't show up
narco: CS
Grappik: Can you repeat this?
narco: so I held the power button down, opened Mail and all my mail
CK TUAW: oof
fra: very strange
Grappik: I just loaded CS...
fra: have you removed the updated from the utilties folder?
Grappik: PSCS, to be more exact...
narco: this is a total nightmare
narco: let me do that

fra: did you even try a reboot?
Grappik: So far everything is working...
Grappik: I have iChat, Mail, Safari x 2, iTunes, and now PSCS open...
CK TUAW: look to see if all your mail folders are still in your library folder
narco: yeah, whenever i reboot or shut down, the screen will turn blue and
stay there forever
CK TUAW: and if so, try reimporting them
narco: yeah, reimporting them now -- so far everything looks ok
fra: right now i have finder (d'uh), iTunes, Firefox, AdiumX and iChat
running on a G4
CK TUAW: have you repaired permissions recently?
Grappik: This an iMac or PowerMac?
narco: powermac
fra: try this program *starts looking*
Grappik: I am using a PowerMac dual 2.5 right now...
CK TUAW: the installer could have fragged some permissions in its wake
narco: i'm probably going to have to do a clean install of Tiger. i didn't do so
and have had nothing but problems with it
fra: download (google) an app called sterMachineLite
CK TUAW: heh
Grappik: That, more than likely, is the case...
CK TUAW: welcome to the club
Grappik: Tiger was not a good "upgrade" install.
fra: or go back to the wonderfull panther...
he googlemaps widget
Grappik: I backed up to another drive (imaged the whole drive) and pulled
over what i needed as I needed it...
fra: Panther -> Tiger 'update' killed the DMG mounting program
oo huge
CK TUAW: I think I'm ending it
Grappik: I thought it was over...
fra: isnt that GOOD CK?
CK TUAW: it'll be posted later
CK TUAW: yeah it's good
fra: are you gona publish this
narco: yeah, tiger has proven to be worse than the OS 9/X transition
fra: oh crap
Grappik: I wasn't trying to be annoying... uhh... I mean... Funny.
CK TUAW: but there's only so much peeps will read
CK TUAW: don't want me to, fra?
fra: no, i just look a fool lol
fra: but w/e
fra: publish it how ever you see fit man
Grappik: CK, make him sound more intelligent. Put big words in here and
fra: yeah narco, i would go back to Panther
fra: but its way too much hassle
CK TUAW: he sounds fine
narco: i still might go back anyway
fra: yeah.. big words
fra: like Apple Macintosh..
Grappik: Pontificate is a good one.
CK TUAW: and we're out
narco: oh crap, here we go again
fra: i havent seen 'Welcome to Macintosh' on the boot bar screen at all in
tiger, i miss it
narco: see you around folks