
Motorola/Oakley RAZRWIRE to be available in August


Somewhere out there, someone has been waiting for Motorola and Oakley's RAZRWIRE (all-caps theirs, not ours) Bluetooth sunglasses, which we first peeped back at CTIA, and which the two companies have announced will be available in August (an inside source informed us that that the top 1,000 retail spots will have it July 24th, though—i.e. yesterday). The rest of us have already figured out that combining a pair of unremarkable shades with a Bluetooth headset that looks like it was just clipped onto the side does not a fashion statement — or an incredibly useful device — make (as clearly evidenced by this pic they've provided). Nice try, guys. But for $300, we can get our own headset and crazy glue it to a pair of shades if we really want to rock this look (which, trust us, we don't).