
HOW-TO: Create a 1/4-inch on/off box


Usually I'm rocking out like Eddie Van Halen when it comes to playing guitar. I have about 10 pedals and then some all strung together to get signature sound. However, this does create noise. And when I practice at home, I just kinda go about my business... except with a guitar. So instead of having to put my guitar down everytime I wanted to check my e-mail, eat birthday cake, or take a shower, I'm now able to keep my guitar with me and eliminate random noise that may shoot out of my amps. I did this by building an "on/off" box or a "kill" switch. It's a simple stompbox with 2 settings. On and off. Simple, yet effective and great for the busy musician. Read on if you want your very own.

Ok great. Let�s get on this! First, go ahead and get the necessary parts. I�ve listed them below:


1 - Red LED
1 - Project Box (small)
3 - Mono 1/4-inch Jack
1 - Heavy duty Stomp switch
1 - 2.1mm DC Jack
? - Wire. 22AWG, solid core makes for easier soldering,
buy colors!
1 - Soldering Iron, 20-50w, try to get a �needle� tip.
? - Solder
1 - Dremel kit

Allright, so you�ve got your materials. Start off by drilling holes big enough to fit the 1/4� jacks on the side. Offset the holes a bit so you have room for them to fit in the box like so.


Then, drill a hole in the top for your DC 9V jack. Screw it in, and then go down to the bottom and drill a hole in the top of the case. This is where our switch will go. See below.


Sweet lookin eh? Your very first guitar pedal (maybe�what, you do this a lot?) is almost done� sorta.


Ok so now you�ll wanna throw an LED in to let you know if you have your guitar engaged or not. Throw it above your switch or wherever you want. You technically don�t need this part, but it looks cool so just do it and be a (wo)man.


Now comes the fun part, wiring. Get yet colored wires out and solder your LED and Input and Output jack up to the one point of the switch. This way, one click of the switch is �on� while otherwise it becomes �off� and nothing gets through. Wire it all up to the 9V DC adaptor (depending on what version you got) and you�re good to go.


Plug it in and give it a try. You can totally use it for headphones too or anything that�s 1/4th-inch. I even customized mine a little. Check it out. You now have a good use for that pedal board you made.

