
NBA 2K6 promises quality tunes -- the latest trend?

The Roots

This year's NBA 2K6 soundtrack is shaping up to be a classic, seriously. With new and exclusive tracks from quality hip-hop acts like The Roots, Common, Aesop Rock, Aceyalone, Lyrics Born, RJD2, Zion I, Jean Grae, & Hieroglyphics, this looks to be one of the best video game soundtracks ever assembled—at least on paper. It's no wonder that the soundtrack will also be available on CD, with a promotion tour, the "2K Sports Bounce Tour", backing it.

Will video game soundtracks ever become as popular as movie soundtracks? Do you think developers should start using pre-existing songs (i.e. not specifically composed for the game) to enhance key moments in a video game—rather than have a soundtrack that plays randomly? Have you ever bought a game soundtrack on CD? Would you?