
Slashfood: New WIN food blog


I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before on TUAW, but I am immense. ... like 500 pound Orca whale fat*.

"Why, C.K., why?!' you ask. Well, quite frankly, I love the food. If there were a full time job that involved eating haute cuisine and writing about it, I'd probably be doing that (yes, yes, I know: food critic. The problem is I love it all).

Knowing that I am larger than Johnny Depp's mom in What's Eating Gilbert Grape?* only partially explains how insanely enthused I am that TUAW's blog-parent, Weblogs, Inc., has given birth to a brand new baby blog in the Network and it is food-related: Slashfood.

Check out the favicon and the logo. Slashfood clearly favors its older sibling TUAW. I'm so proud!

*Note: There is every chance that these are fully fabricated lies.