
HDTV choices: are there too many?

Multiple Choice

I came across a post over at Fast Company this afternoon that got me thinking: do we have too many HDTV choices? It's hard to believe since high-def is a relatively young industry that doesn't have mainstream adoption just yet. If you think about it though, there are several "levels" of choice to make.

What type of technology do I want in my display? LCD, PDP, DLP, CRT or something else? Once you make that choice, you start thinking of resolution. Do you want 480p (EDTV), 720p, or 1080i/p? Your first choice might even impact your second choice here. Then it's on to screen size, input types, where you will get your programming, even what furniture you may need.

The article indicates that Harvard Business School calls this "overchoice". I suppose the sheer amount of choice can be detrimental and overwhelming, but all in all, I like having my many HD choices. What do you think: is there too much choice in the HD world or do you like it this way?