
First looks: iPod nano "it sure is small and it sure is cool"

iPod nano

The Internet is ripe with iPod nano "first look" reviews hot on the kix of yesterday's product launch. The sounds of tittering tech cherubs casting early first-looks is nearly deafening as they proclaim on high how the device "looks like a winner", how everyone is "awed" by such a tiny device, and it's "the best combination of beauty and functionality of any music player I've tested." The last quote attributed to friendly Uncle Walt Mossberg. In fact, Walt gushes his way through a swooning iPod nano love-in finding the features, PC and Mac synchronization, sound, and battery all to perform as advertised, or better. He found the $39 lanyard to be "perfect" and even dropped the nano "several times" from a height of about 3 feet to see if it would skip — it didn't. Much more to come.

Read - Walt Mossberg
Read - iLounge
Read - Playlist
[Thanks, DekarTyphon]
Read - AppleMatters [Thanks, Reid]