
Vyvx adds 13 high-def venues


So you're at home watching a sporting event in HDTV. Do you ever think about what it takes to provide that HD feed? Probably not. You just want the beautiful picture to never end, right? Luckily, companies like Vyvx worry about the details so you don't have to. Vyvx provides the high-speed backbone to allow for large HD broadcasts.

A subsidiary of WilTel Communications, Vyvx provides their HD VenueNet services to almost all of the major sports teams and venues. Today, they added 13 more locations, which brings their HD VenueNet presence into 61 venues across the country. Currently they cover 29 NFL stadiums, 28 MLB stadiums, and four NBA or NHL sites. Now if we could just get them to consider an install base at some PGA events, we'd be all set!

One other cool thing about the company: if you use their funky name in a Scrabble game and catch the triple word score, you're good for 60 points. Hey; no extra charge for that tidbit.