
Whatever happened to Totally Games?

Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters Online

Remember TIE Fighter? Great game, right? We can thank Totally Games for that. But after finishing Secret Weapons Over Normandy back in the fall of 2003, this well-respected developer has been MIA. Gamecloud recently talked with the studio's founder, Larry Holland, to see what Totally Games has been up to these last few years.

It turns out Totally Games has been working on some mobile phone titles after recently completing… drum roll, please... Disney's Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters Online. What?! Fear not, there's still hope left. Holland also hinted at a new console game that the studio will soon begin work on (after they finalize a publishing deal). Holland didn't want to give away any details, but added, "It's unlike any game we have done in the past." Let's hope it's Totally Games' ticket to get back on track.

[Thanks, John]