
Microsoft: where are the 720p game trailers?

XBox 360 console

Among all of the hype for the new Xbox 360 is the high-def capability. I just checked the updated Xbox website (thanks, Joystiq!) and I see the 25 titles planned for release by the holidays. All of them are 720p capable of course. So why aren't the trailers available in WMV-HD? I didn't check all 25, but the handful I did watch were in pitiful 320 x 240 res; good enough for a video iPod, but not good enough for me.

Microsoft: you should be aggressively marketing the high-definition aspect of your console through your WMV-HD technology. As a high-def addict and a gamer, why do I need to go to a Wal-Mart to see the HD clarity you've promised us? Get some 720p trailers up there and built a page off the main Xbox site to feature them!