
More Revolution pre-release madness from GameStop

GameStop Revolution games

Earlier this year

, launched a clever, money-scamming ploy product page for Zelda Revolution and offered gamers a chance to plunk down $60 to reserve their copy of a game that had barely been announced, but was listed by the retailer as being available on March 1, 2006. Fast forward nearly five months later: you can now pre-order four additional vaporware Revolution titles for the same phantom release date. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Mario Revolution, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Smash Brothers: Revolution will all be lovingly reserved for you by GameStop for another $240. How nice of them.

Each of these five franchises were announced back at E3 and confirmed by Famitsu for release on the Revolution, although official titles and release dates still don't exist today. Another top-selling Nintendo line, Pokemon, was conspicuously absent from that original press release, but not to worry! As soon as it's confirmed, GameStop will promptly update this page and gladly accept more of your hard-earned gaming money to make your collection of Revolution vaporware complete!

[Thanks, madc0w]