
Engadget's Halloween Costume Contest: the best of the rest

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

We declared the winners for our first annual Engadget Halloween Costume Contest, but we just had way too many funny, clever, interesting, and just plain amazing costume entrants not to round up a best of the rest collection. So what'd we wind up with? Well, a few Transformers, a ton of people who wore Macs on their heads, and some total nonsequiturs (Steve Ballmer? A Cat5 terminator? Channel9?). We got twenty here for you to peep after the break, check it out!

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Bill M. went as the red robot from ExDog — kinda obscure, we know, but we totally dug it.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Brian E. was the first of many to wear a Mac on his head.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Derek V.'s coat of armor consisted of over 100 Linux CDs.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Andy A.'s hype Bumblebee costume.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

We have a feeling Matt G. didn't get to attend many parties, but we want our 3G, and somebody's gotta do the dirty work.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

John H., also a Machead.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Kevin's just a disgruntled computer.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Ryan H. as our man Ballmer: "DEVELOPERS!"

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

James W. rocks it as Optimus Prime (in both modes).

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Brett's speakerbot costume pumps up the jam.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

The three of you who will think Brendan G.'s Channel 9 guy costume is funny probably write for Channel 9.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Props be to Ian M., for where would we be without Cat5?

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

We have a feeling Eddie G. heard a lot of the same certain phrase shouted at him come Halloween night.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Earl B. had a pretty impressive General Grievous costume.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Andy R.'s phat gold hard drive chain really sold us.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Don't be sad, Tim O., someone still find's CRTs interesting.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Marc H. is calling, you gonna get it?

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Josh M., another Optimus Prime.

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

Wade B. was this close to winning with his working giant Simon costume. Apparently "drunk people loved hitting the buttons."

Engadget Halloween Contest - BOTR

And what Halloween Costume Contest would be complete without a Giovanni Ribisi lookalike sitting inside an R2D2 Pepsi cooler flipping you the bird? Thanks, Big Ice D., for capping this one off.

Thanks again to everyone who entered!