
Cel-shaded mod for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time released

Cel-Shaded Ocarina of Time

The mod community have just released a reskinned version of the wildly popular Nintendo 64 title The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Visible surfaces of the game world have been replaced with a "cel-shaded" version, giving the title the more stylized look of its graphically controversial GameCube sequel, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

Just a few issues: you'll need to find an N64 emulator and a digital copy of the game. Then you'll need to install the new textures, a process that a number of players are reporting trouble with over at But if you're not put off by the moral ambiguity of the emulation issue, a little tinkering, and perhaps a lot of troubleshooting, give it a shot.

Screenshots here.

[Via 4cr]