
PowerSquid lineup about to evolve

white squid

Like a good Darwinian cephalopod, Chris Hawker's PowerSentry PowerSquid is about to evolve into a new, more full-featured animal. Coming next year are several new models in the PowerSquid surge protector line, which will be sold under the Flexity brand and range from $50 to $80 (the current model sells for $14 on Amazon, by comparison). The SQ1K, SQ2K, SQ3K, and Calamari-SQ3K will all come standard with 6 "tentacle" outlets, joule ratings that range from 1080 to 3240, EMI filters (line conditioning, like in those huge components Monster tries to sell you) from 40dB to 58dB, Ultra MOV (metal oxide varistors) technology, and connected equipment insurance ranging from $200,000 to $500,000. With the top of the line Calamari (we wish Cadillac used this name too) you also get an audible alarm in case of circuit failure, flat profile swivel plug, and illuminated outlets. Those of you who can't get enough of surge protection will be able to peep these models at CES in January.