
AddPac's VP350 offers up some VOD during boring video calls

AddPac VP350 video phone dual2

Yeah, we know those all-in-one video conferencing units are pretty played by now, but Korea's AddPac looks to revolutionize the industry with some slacker-centric functionality. The new AP-VP350 features dual decoding tech, allowing you to stream that boring meeting while simultaneously using the unit's video on demand offerings, which, according to a few screenshots, seems to offer up some fairly mainstream entertainment. So pretty much they're setting you up with some video content to keep your eyes on the screen while everybody on the conference call runs through those Q4 projections "one more time." The device interfaces via a 7-inch LCD touchscreen or by remote, and supports up to four video callers at once. The "phone" can also access files off of a USB stick or a networked PC. Happy slacking!