
To PvP or Not to PvP

A comment that a reader made on yesterday's post about PvP experiences got me to wondering what the general playerbase's preference is; for PvP or PvE?

Generally, MMORPG's such as WoW have tended to steer clear of non-consentual PvP; in many cases offering it as only an afterthought. However, due to the very ideaology behind the Warcraft series, Blizzard promised to make PvP a more involved part of their multiplayer game, and from the number of PvP servers out there, it looks like the players are embracing it.

At one point a few weeks ago, I could swear there were actually more PvP servers than PvE servers on the list, so obviously a lot of people enjoy it. PvP has had a bad reputation in games of this nature since the original free-for-all slaughter days of Ultima Online, and several games that tried to make PvP an integral part of the experience have failed in the marketplace (Shadowbane, anyone?), but it seems like Blizzard have hit upon a formula that works. %uFFFD

I've only been playing on PvP servers for a few months now, but personally, I hardly ever venture over to the PvE servers nowadays; the extra danger just makes the game that much more exciting for me.

What about you guys? Do you prefer PvE or PvP servers? Which ones? Why so?