
EA losing its hold but still UK number one

ELSPA, the UK's Entertainment & Leisure Software Publishers Association, has released an analysis of last year's game sales in the UK which focuses on market share. EA is well ahead of any competitors with an 18.5% market share--the nearest rival is THQ with 7.2%--and EA's dominance is reflected in the fact that four out of the year's ten top-selling titles are theirs.

However, the figures are changing, and EA's grip is loosened slightly from 2004, with rivals inching towards the top and EA slowly slipping down, showing there is definitely scope for manoeuvre. It's a disappointing chart for the British games industry, though; UK companies are nowhere to be seen in the top ten. With Eidos (now part of SCi) and Codemasters set to deliver this year, things are looking up for 2006, but the amount of market share commanded by EA is formidable--smaller publishers just can't keep up with the number of titles released and overall sales. Fortunately, percentages aren't everything when it comes to making good games.