
I can't use a Mac unless...

I set up a lot of out-of-the-box Macs at work. If I'm getting them ready for life as a general workstation machine, I just give them my usual run through. However, If I'm lucky enough to be working on a machine that I'm going to be using, I can get everything set up the way I like it. In short, I can't use a Mac unless...

  • All Finder windows are set to column view. Seriously, icon and list view are just infuriating to me at this point. I don't know how I used list view so happily for all those years with the "classic Mac OS."

  • The desktop bears only one single icon. That icon is the hard drive. I cannot understand people whose desktops are so littered with icons that the desktop picture is barely visible. I don't know how they find anything, or even focus on the screen. I'd need a Ritalin smoothie to use that machine.

  • The Dock is transparent and borderless. I started using TransparentDock a while ago, and now the sight of a white Dock just irks me. Speaking of the dock...

  • The hard drive and Applications folder are in the Dock. But that's a given, right?

  • Quicksilver is installed. That's right, I can't use a Mac that doesn't have Quicksilver installed. I find myself hitting Command-space on other machines all the time, as it's ingrained in my muscle memory at this point. I can hit Command-space-m- (for Mail) Return without even thinking about it.

  • I have a two button mouse. Just try it for a week, you'll never go back.

So, there you have it. What's your list?