
LukWerks video surveillance-in-a-box

Sometimes paying a little in the beginning means you'll wind up paying a lot in the end. Take the LukWerks Starter Kit, a digital video surveillance system-in-a-box with a super-easy setup (it transfers data over AC from cam to PC via USB adapter) that costs only $299. It sounds like a pretty good deal, and it may well be if you don't have the money or tech chops to install a better system, but when you read the fine print you'll find that you can only access your video feeds from the LukWerks site- for only 10 minutes a day! Bumping up to a generous hour-per-day will cost you $8-a-month (but lets not forget, that extra loot also jacks your per-view limit up from 2 minutes to 15), and extra cams for the system (max: 6) cost $225 each. As you can see, the dollars can add up quickly here, and LukWerks cams don't even pan, tilt, or zoom (save for the 50 degree "manual" pan mentioned in the specs). Still, the VGA vid examples looked pretty decent to us, so if your grandpa needs to keep an eye on his war mementos while he's in the common room for bingo, this could be the solution you and he have been looking for.