
Shiggy on Saito and smiling

Shigeru Miyamoto

Make no mistake - if even the simplest of phrases escapes from the mouth of legendary game designer Shigeryu Miyamoto, we'll be grabbing our nets and chasing after it as if it were a fluttering and fleeing butterfly. In a recent issue of Famitsu, the man had some good things to say about Yoot Saito, creator of the voice-controlled Seaman game and the forthcoming Pinball / Real-time strategy hybrid, Odama (also enhanced for the Gamecube microphone).

After praising Saito's understanding of how "games go together", Miyamoto was keen to impart some additional wisdom when it comes to game design, no doubt reflecting his current mindset for developing games on the Revolution. Apparently, the trick to a good game is implementing something new that has you smiling all the way to the end. "Before making a game, one must understand precisely how it will end." "A game that keeps a smile on the player's face is a wonderful thing."

He also reiterates Nintendo's back-to-basics-for-something-new mantra:
"Nintendo's theme for 2006 will be 'Create new fun.' 'Spread the fun of games to everyone.' To do this, we must return to the beginning, to recapture the essence that made people who enjoy games even now enjoy them in the first place." But what about fancy graphics?

"Presentation' is not what kind of picture you paint; it is how you behold your beholder." So, if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then the beholder of the beholder will see the beauty depending on how he beholds the eye of the beholder...which has the beauty and....yeah. We'll have to think about that some more.